
The possibility of connecting to external analog inputs to measure environmental indicators (temperature, humidity, etc.)

Support for the manual system of setting the sensitivity of the touch keys by the authorized work service

The possibility of customizing the function of the keys and defining the position according to the customer's order

It has 4 touch keys and 1 volume to linearly change the engine speed

Support for 3/5/4/3-cycle AC single-cycle linear motor

The ability to choose the color of the screen by the customer

The possibility of inserting the customer's exclusive logo on the product

The ability to choose the background color of the keys by the customer

The possibility of distorting the work scenario at the request of the customer

Automatic calibration system support

It has an infrared remote control

Parallel / serial communication platform

Has an internal temperature sensor

The ability to remove the sound of the market

Fading lighting system

Adjustable timer

Clock support

​​​​​​​LED display


Technical info

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